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Junior Tigers 2022-2023年度的聯賽和課程現在開始了!我們感激你們的不斷支持和鼓勵。讓我們一起期待超凡的2022-2023 賽季。


認識Junior Tigers的球會家長

讓你的小孩享受冰球樂趣! 友善而又充滿活力的教練團隊為學員提供有利平衡和運動發展的練習, 為將來的體育發展立下基礎。


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讓您的小朋友體驗冰球的樂趣!在充滿活力和友善的教練帶領下, 本課程提供了廣泛的球賽訓練實習機會, 培養運動發展和協調, 創造未來運動的成就和體驗冰球樂趣!


Junior Tigers課程

Let your little ones discover the joy of hockey! Led by energetic and friendly coaches, this course offers a wide range of drills to aid motor development and co-ordination. This is a great foundation for future sporting success and a whole load of fun!



讓您的小朋友體驗冰球的樂趣!在充滿活力和友善的教練帶領下, 本課程提供了廣泛的球賽訓練實習機會, 培養運動發展和協調, 創造未來運動的成就和體驗冰球樂趣!



Let your little ones discover the joy of hockey! Led by energetic and friendly coaches, this course offers a wide range of drills to aid motor development and co-ordination. This is a great foundation for future sporting success and a whole load of fun!



Let your little ones discover the joy of hockey! Led by energetic and friendly coaches, this course offers a wide range of drills to aid motor development and co-ordination. This is a great foundation for future sporting success and a whole load of fun!


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